Art and Science of building happy relations. Partners. Family

                Any serious undertaking has its own rules and laws to follow. The process of building happy relations, understanding their nature - is science and art. Understanding these rules, patterns, features we can move smoothly through the process, understanding the sense, and choosing consciously
        Many people dream to find “Their own” Person with whom they can live long and happy life, build harmonious relations, give birth and bring up a child. Some are waiting for a Prince on a white horse who will bring  to a happy life... Or... walking along the road She meets Him... is “love at first sight”...
         But there are certain rules of how to build relations between the partners. And by your first meeting you can say exactly what awaits the couple in the future and whether to have children or these people  met for another task.
         It is important to understand what kind of relationship suits YOU, not to look for what is acceptable and feels RIGHT in the overall understanding. Because there is no single standard. And what your parents had, is not necessarily suitable for you.

In this webinar we will discuss: 
• How to determine the development of future relations using the terms and situations when partners met;
• 7 levels of the partnership. How long according to the NATURAL laws the couple can be together.
• What is, in most cases, "love at first sight" and should it end with a wedding.
• What is the “damage on love” and how it happens.
• Sexual partners. How the interconnection happens.
• How do liquids influence... What is the “connection by fluids”
• Why sexual partner can’t become the "ex-partner" until we fulfill certain conditions. . And what should you do to make the ex-partner from your sexual partner.
• Why is it so difficult to part with a former partner, friend. And how to relieve the situation.
• Energy surplus and Energy lacking people. • How does Energy lacking person behave in the “disconnection” process? And how to behave yourself to be safe?
• Is it natural to get divorced or not – or it is better to stay together "for the sake of the child"?       And what is behind the fear of divorce.
• The law of three presentations. Money and property as "signs" while ending relations.
Episodes from the movies are used as practical examples
  This webinar-lecture is relevant for adults, parents and young people. 
As they care about this topic usually already from about 11 years.
But all their questions find no answers, that leads to disastrous consequences – inability to create a healthy couple, wrong attitude to sexual relations, closed heart and logic mind – and disconnection to his Spirit.
All these starts from “first love” and disappointment.
The following questions are waiting for the answer: 
What to do when you fell in love and this person ignores you, What is love (infatuation) and what are the sides of it, pitfalls, how deep to go in it, hidden dangers of love from the first sight, etc…

 Price: € 150. Time:  2.47 hours. Language: English
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