Education in Russian sounds as OBRZOVANIE. OBRAZ- is an ideal, image. So it is not only a process of studying. It really means THE CALL OF an IMAGE, an IDEAL.
And a child is searching for an ideal all the time...
Child is completely imitative.
If he/she sees a "good example" he will be "good".
In another situation he can be "bad". Just because he doesn't see the alternative.
Child is a creator. If a parent can’t create for a child the atmosphere where he will create “good things”, he’ll create something “wrong”. Bot for him it is not about “right” or “wrong”. It is all about Creation.
But if there is no example at all...it is awful and the most destroying situation for his mind.
That’s why, the creation of right atmosphere is really important.
And it consists of many factors:
- Room for studying: its decoration, smells, sounds etc… it all influences our brains and in several moments can attract a child and involve him in a process or create in his mind fear/ disguster. (in this way a lot of time is needed to correct (fix) the situation)
- Relations which are built in Every moment of life. Yesterday's rewards are not taken into account.
- Discipline! The correct plan for the day (schedule with adequate switch of activities) when a child has no free time (when he doesn't know what to do) creates a Special rhythm of life and the inner state of harmony and happy whole life
- Hierarchy and right relations between adults, children, adults and children
- Holistic approach: science (lessons), arts, crafts, physical activity, work.
We also should think deeply about child's activities before and after school...
Relations with parents and friends, their ideals and intentions.
To have healthy mind and psyche a child must be surrounded by people with the SAME Ideology.
A lot of people think that a child is a white/pure sheet (as we call it in Russia) and we can write on it whatever we want.
It is completely wrong!
Every child is a Person with its own "program", goals and tasks for life. And we must watch attentively to verify his talents and to help him to be on HIS way, but not on a way of our wishes and illusions.
The main responsibility of a parent is to find a way and to help his child to be connected to his own Spirit.
What are the main qualities of a person who finishes school (it is the age of 17-19 years old)?
He should:
- be responsible for HIMSELF!
- Have practical skills for life.
- Know for sure that every Start must have a RESULT (it is the guarantee of healthy mind). And have his own real results during the period of school.
- He must be responsible for his words (words are followed by the appropriate activity)
- Be Adequate in society: feel the truth and create fair (just) atmosphere. Be able to build relations with people (he'll have great practice at school)
- Understand the borders in the relations and be able to protect himself
- Have his Own particular Interest and skill, which is his "favorite" and he can "use" it in some business.
The School mustn't teach. The main task is to involve children into the process of thinking, studying and Research work. A child is an active participant! He feels his necessity in the process. And interest of teachers in the process and in their individualities.
Children scan your inner state and behave in accordance to it. They listen to your words Only if you have passed the "face control" of their souls.
In Russian the word “Teacher” sounds like "Uchitel’". "Uch" from the language of mountaineers means "to fly". So the teacher is a person who feels the flight and can pass this state to pupils.
In the times of Aristotle the “School” was in the gardens breathing with flowers where people were walking together, discussing different topics, listening to the teacher and thinking over together.
While building a team it is important to do everything together: studying, dancing, gardening, thinking over the situations, etc.
Teachers should be interested in children, their success and their victories, praise for them and encourage (but not more than needed). And think Together with the child over his mistakes, find the solution.
So every moment of life is filled with mutual attention. And it’s not always direct attention and too much care, but the unified energy and information field must be created.
In the “educational process” when a child understood something, it’s very important for him to share knowledge with somebody. So his knowledge is necessary and has sense! And he feels it and wants to absorb more. It is a great motivation.
But don’t think please that “education process” takes place only at schools or special places. Our life is full of educational moments. That’s the point. If you don’t split life from studying you are always in the process.
If we are talking about studying school subjects, from the very start we should discuss the sense of the subject together, its main items, key points. It is important to look at the whole subject as it is a system of certain information units and integrate it into the "holistic picture of the world".
And it's really important to think Together over the day. Discuss ideas and plans, victories and mistakes (and how not to do them). Listen to stories about heroes and fairy tales (to create the Ideal in minds). Reading books to your child every day is an ancient method of bringing up an educated person proven by generations.
If you want your child to do something – do it together with him.
And awareness of age features of educating is the basis.
It is right that many children have talents from the birth. And these talents are in their infancy.
That is why the greatest misconception is that children are already born geniuses and they do not need to be brought up, educated and that adults must study from children.
Mentally children have to pass certain stages of development, gain experiences. And parents are primarily responsible for whether this child can develop and manifest his abilities (inherent in him from birth) and become self- sufficient person or the excess energy and brain frequency will be devastating and destructive.
Therefore, during the period of maturation of a child, parents are fully responsible for the future of a child.