Computer games. Where the problem hides
(untouched issues).
In our time, there is a strong debate over whether computer games make good or harm (we will not confuse games-tutorials and computer games for entertainment.) We also classify games- strategies as entertaining)
It is believed that many PC games develop strategic thinking, the ability to make decisions, work in a team.
That the ability to see the “enemy” in the game and quickly kill him develops attention to detail.
That computer games bring to us adults, great joy, returns us a pleasant state of child's happiness. And to children they bring pleasant emotions, the opportunity to get results, to feel what is impossible to feel in our drabexistence.
Yes, there may be many discussions and any arguments can be composed, depending on which result you want to come to.
But let's look at our reality:
A person who lives permanently in the world of games lives in absolutely another reality, which means that in our reality he simply does not exist! And you need to be honest with yourself: the person who is playing computer games IS NOT HERE! This can be easily verified by the player's reaction to the request or addressing of a person from our reality. There simply won’t be any reaction! Or it will be extremely inadequate, and very often aggressive.
Many people find it difficult to be in “here and now”, without even being transferred to virtual reality. And if a person has a fictitious world created for him by someone, then it is absolutely impossible to be in “here and now”.
That means that in this case we can’t expect and successes or results in Real Life!
And after all - getting results is the main criterion-an indicator of a successful life.
Perhaps, games are taught to think strategically, but only in the THAT world where everything is unreal. After all, in order to think strategically in this world, you need to know the Rules and Laws of This World, to practice their use constantly, to be able to make decisions in this world, you need to be able TO INTERACT WITH REAL PEOPLE, and for this you need to know the peculiarities of people's behavior.
Once again we pay attention to the words: “If a person has a fictitious world created for him by someone”- after all, games instill certain memes, stereotypes into the consciousness: what a real man should be, how an attractive girl must look like and behave, how to win her heart, how to succeed, how to get the result and what is the result itself. And now imagine that for the millions of players of the same game - this stereotype is THE SAME. But people are all different!
Yes, there is a constant action in computer games, development of events, result, pleasant sensations. But all this remains in virtual reality, and for the activity and effectiveness in our reality, a person simply does not have time, and most importantly, doesn’t have ENERGY after hours of computer games. (just take a look at how the space surrounding the player looks like: it's almost always scruffy and sloppy - and this is where degradation begins)
Games are a big business and a way of controlling consciousness, bringing up certain type of a person. And it is only the person who can effectively manage his own consciousness with the benefit for himself.
Moreover, there is a certain graphics in computer games, the use of colors and sounds that do not coincide with real life, no matter how close they seem to it. Therefore, the perception of the player becomes "withered", the sensitivity, accuracy of perception, so necessary for a living person, is lost.
And in THIS reality we have only one life, in contrast to the minimum of 3 lives in virtual reality. Not all players really remember this, which already becomes dangerous even for life.
Just one example: 5-year-old player in the PC game persistently tried to cross roads in the wrong place, not looking around, without stopping at the sight of the cars. When his mother noticed this strange pattern and was tired of stopping her son, she asked him with excitement: “Why are you doing this - the car is so big, and you are much smaller, it can kill you!” And the son replied calmly: “Mom, do not worry, I have 3 lives”. And it took several months for mother to explain the boy the rules of our reality and convince him of having only one life and the necessity to look left and right before crossing the road.
Indeed, adults and children play computer games only when for some reason they are not satisfied with reality. Therefore, our task as parents is to create for children such a reality that will be interesting to them, safe and pleasant, where there will be loving people, events and exciting activities that meet their needs.
Well, and for this, our reality should be interesting to YOU, to their parents. After all, there are many interesting things in our world. And for the child in the first place are important: music, art, dance, contemplation.
As the great Leonardo da Vinci said:
Nature took care of everything so that everywhere you find what to learn.
And one more VERY IMPORTANT moment:
If your child attends secondary school, where conversations are only about computer games, you cannot just forbid him / her to play computer games, because then your child will become an outcast in a class who is not included in their society. He/she will not have common interests with his classmates. Unfortunately, now it is often found: computer games - the only topic for discussion among adolescents: who has passed a level, what kind of hero is the best and so on.
Therefore, first of all it is important to remember that
and it is the parent who is responsible for the formation of a healthy environment of his/her child.
Therefore, before you forbid playing computer games to your child, giving him/her all the responsibility (because PC games really work destructively) - look at how you can change the environment of your child with whom he/she really does not need to communicate. After all, parents often feel it right.
Perhaps, you will even have to change school, or start home education (many parents now think about it).
We suggest you to look at your environment bravely, discarding conventions, thinking about the health and development of your children and about harmony in your family.