Envy. Its nature. How to cope with it.



 Surely, you’ve heard that envy is a Very destructive feeling!

It is invisible, but certainly can destroy any relationship,

any undertakings if it is not kept in check!


EVERYONE feels/felt envy sometimes in his/her life. I emphasize – EVERYONE!


       If someone says to you: "I do not understand what envy is"

or "Fortunately, this feeling did not affect me, I do not even know how it is"

       Be sure: this person is envious of something right now

(or just experienced this feeling but hides it from himself).

Envy is one of the frequent feelings of this person.

(in which, as you can understand, he does not want to admit himself,

and certainly, he considers himself above all those who are envious sometimes)


       OR, Someone can say: "Oh, I envy you but with white envy!" Yes, let it be white, but Note – It is still Envy. After all, for example, a car if it is red or green, white or black) - it does not stop being a car. The same is with envy! In any color Envy is Envy.


       By the way, speaking of white envy, a person emphasizes that he is HAPPY for you, (but inside he has envy, which he hides even from himself) - which means that such envy is even more dangerous because showing that he is happy for you, he opens you towards himself. You are opened, and therefore more vulnerable.


       Envy can manifest in different ways:


       1) Everyone knows the obvious version: a woman looks at a woman and thinks: “Oh, how beautiful she is, and her hair is so thick and shiny ... I'm not like that, my hair is not thick and does not shine so much!” Or the man looks at the man and thinks: “Well, he has opened the firm, he has succeeded, and I still work as the programmer under the contract.”


       2) Hidden envy. Very few people understand that this is envy: I come to a friend, and her husband bought her a new fur coat ... “Ah, what a fur coat - a sight for sore eyes! Oh, how happy I am for my friend. What a fur coat! Hence, her husband loves her - that's a real happiness! And how warm it will be to her in winter in this fur coat - it is doubly joyful. And how beautiful she will look in this fur coat – it is even more joy for me to know that!”


       That is – If you feel exorbitant Delight and JOY for some person which just overflows the edges, and you already fly on wings with such joy – know for sure - this is ENVY. And it is even more dangerous than the first option. Because here, it's harder to recognize. This is a kind of solar vampirism, feeling such an exorbitant joy for someone you take away his energy. And this person will get a hit in his life. Well, you, of course, get your blow, for unauthorized, incorrect theft of energy.


       Another example: you see a beautiful couple, and they so fit each other, they have such wonderful relationships. You want to give them flowers and gifts and to jump with joy around them - this is ENVY.


       Yes, there is Love in this couple and you feel it and you are ENVIOUS! And doing this you steal this very love. Then such a couple can suddenly have difficulties in the relationship. And they surely will overcome them, because there is Love between them. But you will be responsible for the theft of energy and will get well-deserved strikes in your life.

       As they say, "Karma" - what one deserved, he/she got it!


Envy begins with the absence of one's place in life, followed by a

comparison of oneself with the others.

       And a person does not notice what he/she has and doesn’t take care of this.

       But a person searches for something that he/she still doesn’t have by some reason (without even thinking if he really needs it or not.)

       That's what a person forgets to think about while being envious of somebody - what he Needs and what Not, what can be even harmful.


The feeling of Envy will come to you sometimes - do not be afraid of it.


       You just need to learn how to NOTICE and CONTROL it,

so that it does not guide you, but you guide it!


       Once you notice it, it's already half of the success. As soon as you SAY TO YOURSELF: “I feel ENVY of her/him” - you call a feeling by its real name. A word is magic. So to say, you caught Envy by its tail.


       And then look carefully at yourself. Return yourself to your place, because Envy pushes you away from your place and forces you to take someone else's.


But any person can be happy, healthy and wealthy


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