A life story of Soft-salted cucumber
by Anna Pavlova
There was once a Salted cucumber. And not just a cucumber,
but a cucumber-gherkin! I think you've heard of such special kind...
these are such small crispy cucumbers that respectable housewives
cook in summer with spices, then put them in glass jars, tie up these
jars with beautiful cloth and lace.
Well, it is a feast for the eyes, not just food! It is hardly possible
to find someone who does not like gherkins. They are honored by all
good people!
And then all these wonderful jars are put in one row in the cellar so that one day, on an autumnal or winter evening, or even on some holiday, they can get this jar, solemnly take off the lace, and proudly regale their guests.
So these cucumbers- gherkins (each more beautiful than the other), sit in a jar, in a transparent spicy brine and look at the outside world, waiting for their starry hours, admiring their reflection and the same fine jars standing next to them. And life seems to them an excellent thing, and everything is good for them, and the conditions of life are in line with such noble cucumbers, and care for them was what it must be, and what is there to say - they are now not just cucumbers beloved by everyone - but the Dish, called "soft-salted cucumbers".
For all time soft-salted cucumbers were used in many different ways: they were eaten just like they were "without anything,"… were eaten and praised. They were eaten with the second course, and were added to the salads ... Well, it is not life, but real happiness. Our brother- gherkin is needed, recognized loved and respected by everyone!
Our Cuke was born into the world so nice, that you can’t stop looking at him. And now he was already very ready, sitting in his beautiful jar and waiting for what would happen next. From the stories of his parents, he, of course, already knew everything and was even proud of such a fate ... but still ... he really wanted to experience it!
And then that joyful hour arrived, the cellar door opened and the very respectable housewife came in. She was in the beautiful apron with cornflowers. She was the one who in summer made from the simple cucumbers a Real dish - "soft-salted cucumbers". She walked over to the jar where our hero was waiting. Either because he was waiting very much, or he really was more beautiful than the others, but she took the jar with our Cuke.
And here it is - the long-awaited stardom! A Cuke with his cucumber relatives lies on a table in a beautiful dish with a gold border and patterns. He is proud of his work, feels his importance.
People are bustling around, more and more dishes appear on the table, the table is filled with delicious food. And our Cuke is looking around. He is interested in everything.
And so ... his eyes stopped on a box of chocolates, standing on a small tea table near the dining table.
Multicolored sweets were neatly laid out on their cells and proudly gleamed, boasting of their outfits. Everyone thought that her color was the most suitable for the interior.
Our Cuke saw them and in a moment forgot about everything ... "How so, he sobbed: they are so beautiful, colorful, and we are all green ... They are so well- dressed ... and we are in the center of the table - and only in our birthday suit! They are all so dry ... and we are br-r-r-r, wet, and even in some pimples. They are all so neatly laid out, and each has His own place! And we are ...pushing like cucumbers in the jar. What kind of life is this! I want there! I want to be as they are! "- protested our Cuke.
He Envied ...
And no matter how his relatives persuaded him, no matter how they explained to him that his value was in greenery, sputum, in pimples and in spices. These were his merits. He did not want to listen. He was attracted by colorful candy wrappers, at this moment only in them he saw the true meaning of life and real significance.
"Who needs me if I am like this - wet, green and salty, when there are THEY - so bright, shiny and sweet! You can’t even serve me with tea. What a Shame. What a fate ... "- wailed our Cuke!
"He is still so young... unwise" - his relatives were talking - "Well, how can you explain this all to him ..."
So our Cuke cried and cried, glancing sideways at the glittering candies with their stellar destiny. It even seemed to him that with every moment they looked more and more brilliant, more and more significant.
"Oh, calm down.., calm down, my darling!" - granny was soothing our Cuke! "It is impossible to suffer so much about that! Envy is a bitter feeling, it ruined many living beings, it spoiled so many good characters, broke so many lives. And You in fact now in the center of a table! Remember who you are, pull yourself together and make the proper appearance! "
Meanwhile guests sat down at the table, wished each other “bon appétit” and began to eat. Perhaps it will surprise you, but us not at all. First of all, all 30 hands reached out to our well-known soft-salted cucumbers, everyone began to eat them, and praise them! Only one man in a blue shirt suddenly winced and said: "Oh-oh-oh, what is it! What a cucumber I got: wrinkled and even bitter! I do not understand a thing. This is the first time, my dear, forgive me for my frankness. "
The respectable housewife became blush, she did not expect this from her cucumbers. Moreover she chose the best jar. Everyone was fit, crunchy, taste was in accordance with national quality standard and best recipe! And here real force majeure happened.
Respectable housewife apologized, took our wrinkled Cuke and put it aside ... away from the guests and the dinner table.
Only when our Cuke was far from all this feast, where there was no tea table with coquettish sweets in glittering dresses, the mind of the Cuke suddenly brightened up, like a veil fell down.
"Oh, I was caught by a brilliant wrapper!" - vexed our Cuke. I GOT JEALOUS! But I had everything in my life what I needed. My own place, work that I liked, meaning of life, honor and respect ...
Our Cuke laid for a while in a dark corner, changed his mind, came back to himself. So to say, he recovered. And he realized that envy is a disgusting thing, and most importantly it is completely useless. It spoils the complexion, the taste for life, and even destroys the whole destiny. He turned green again, his pimples returned to him and his bitterness disappeared. He became cheerful again, crispy, moderately spicy Soft-salted cucumber.