The Tale about Wise singing River


         A long time ago ... somewhere far away ... among the fields, where
many flowers blossom, among the forests where the mighty trees grow,
among the gardens where the birds of paradise sing ... there was a RIVER.
It flowed ... flowed, greeting with every blade of grass and flower, hugging
each stone that met her on the way. It flowed and changed as everything
flows and changes in this world, if it lives righteously, in harmony with
Nature. And her flowing was very much like talking ... like the story of
the Life of everything she saw ... 
                      She sang ... about the forest, the flowers that always delight the eye,
the birds that warm the cockles of the heart, about heaven and earth
that are always inseparable. And her quiet and gentle singing
was an example and peace of mind for many creatures.
She saw how many people came to her shores to share joy
or pour sadness, and sometimes just to sit and to listen her flowing. 

        What did they hear in her singing? Everyone heard something necessary for him and found answers to pressing questions ...
        But one day, on the way of the River Suddenly appeared something big, ungainly, interfering with her flowing... it was the Dam. Someone unreasonable put this obstacle in the way of the singing River ...
        The river frowned, reared ... She knew: She needs to flow forward, She needs to move on ... After all,  many people, birds, trees, flowers were waiting for her somewhere there ... very many creatures needed a meeting with her.
        But the dam is so big ... it cannot be overcome, not bypassed. The river firmly decided that she would cope with this obstacle ...
         She begged for help ... she asked for earth and sky, herbs and flowers, birds and beasts - to give her strength, to help her to cope with this obstacle ... She asked for 3 days and 3 nights ... 
        And the early morning of the fourth day was flooded with the strongest Rain. He poured everything around, thunder rumbled, lightning flashed. It seemed that the whole world was shaking with the wrath of heaven. The river flooded, became strong, bubbling ... And all of a sudden high in the sky ... a lightning flashed... the River had never seen such a lightning in her entire life ... this lightning rushed straight to the river (the river
shuddered and blinked ... she had been afraid of lightning since
childhood ...) and lightning struck in the very center of the dam.
The dam could not stand the blow and turned into ashes ... burned,
as it never existed.
        And our River, happy, stormy, playing with white foam ...
creating fleecy on her waves, rushed forward to meet new forests and
fields, birds and animals, flowers and grass ... singing grateful songs to the sky, thunder and lightning (which she used to be afraid in the childhood).
        Now she knew for sure that the Movement is unstoppable, when you know exactly where and why you are aiming!
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