FIRSTLY, that is ALWAYS important to REMEMBER:Food is the basic need
of a person (remember the Maslow pyramid). I want to emphasize:
This means that if a person does not eatwhat he really wants - he is hungry.
We all noticed how after a good dinner, (when we ate exactly what we wanted
at that moment) the warmth and joy spread over the body, and life becomes
pleasant and bright. And we also noticed how a hungry person can be angry,
moody, dissatisfied, will bother and spoil the mood of everyone around.
SECONDLY: not by chance our body is considered a unique mechanism that
balances itself, of course, if we do not interfere with it.
And the organism of a child who is closer to the origin knows even better
what it needs. It replenishes itself perfectly if the adult/parent does not impose
his own stereotypes and preferences on him.
Therefore, the choice of a child is always important! Watch what your child likes, what he's drawn to and you’ll be able to know and understand your child better.
In a positive emotional environment, if the child is calm and safe, he will never be drawn to something that is really harmful to his body. Parents themselves create more stress and fears about the food.
After all, if something is particularly harmful, and you are drawn to this, then this is self-destruction. And why should a child who lives happily, harm himself?
Do not worry if your child eats, for example, only semolina porridge for 5 consecutive days. His organism makes up for some flaw. And this is not necessarily just a chemical element, but also emotions. Perhaps after eating semolina porridge for 5 days in a row and being full, your child won’t eat this dish for many years.
From different food the organism is filled not only with different vitamins and microelements but also with different emotions, for example:
An experiment was conducted: during 1 week they put different products for children on a tray in different cells (everything that as a result for a week will ensure the balance of the child's body and all the necessary elements). And they watched. The child could eat the same product throughout the day, but in the end for a week, everything that is necessary for a healthy child’s life was eaten.
THIRDLY: It is now fashionable to talk about a balanced diet. And while it is important to understand that the balance of each person is different, and it depends:
• on the initial data at birth, the constitution of the human body
• on the environment where people live, climate
• on the emotional situation in the family, in the close circle
on life events that are happening
• on the qualities that a person is getting and developing (as was said, for example, bitter, helps to endure difficulties, endure suffering, sour - speeds up life processes)
Everyone knows that sweet helps in getting positive emotions, brings joy, happiness hormones.
Then why limit yourself in joy?
And by the way, any highly qualified professional dentist will tell you that sweets do not affect caries more than other foods. It's all about hygiene, not sweet stuff!
FOURTHLY: Artificial restrictions in any kind of food lead to the fact that when becoming a teenager and going out of the strict parental control, the child begins to eat unstoppably everything that was forbidden.
And what is “a lot”!? 5-10 sweets ... Remember yourself in childhood: almost every child loves sweet, but he’s not going to eat only candies. But if you prohibit it every day, then there is an accumulation effect, the effect of stretched elastic. And one day this elastic band will fly back with a whistle.
Of course, if parents or somebody from your surrounding eat some kind of food (which is “not healthy for children but for adults is ok)” – you can’t restrict it to your child. Children are imitative and you should show Example, but not tell what is right or wrong.
FIFTHLY: Candies are not always guilty!
For example Parents are worried that little John constantly asks them for a chocolate bar, and is ready to eat it in unlimited quantities.
And then it turns out that John every day sees very beautiful and attractive advertising that explains clearly why he personally should eat and eat it. And advertising, as we all know, is done by professionals, they know very good how to influence the consumer.
In this case, the solution is just not to watch advertising, because it is colorful advertising which motivates! Prohibitions will not help here, in the presence of such a potent causative agent of desire.
The ban on sweet before eating is just ignorance of chemistry. After all, fast carbohydrates decay faster, which means “putting them on top” of dense food means longer digestion. Therefore, if your child wants to eat candy before meals, do not make this a problem and do not impose on him the opinion that it will cut off the appetite, because if a person is hungry, then even 3 candies cannot feed him up.
We suggest you try to observe the needs of your children without limiting them too strictly, creating a favorable emotional environment around. Provide a variety of food to your children. Eventually you will notice that your children will voluntarily eat whatever they need, to feel their organism with all the necessary vitamins and Emotions.