Hierarchy is a concept that causes confusion among many people in the modern world, at times resentment or even fear.
And here the adherents of politics will start shouting: “Why are you talking about the hierarchy? Today is the 21st century! The 3rd millennium! Democracy dominates in the world, and you talk about hierarchy. What do you want to bring us…tyranny and dictate?”
And then somebody will add: “Well, in general all people are equal in this world, each has his own value. And no one can be higher or better than another.”
No ... we are not talking about politics at all, and not even about who is better (they choose who is "the best" on competitions), and certainly everyone has his/her own value - this is a given, and we are talking about natural laws.
And indeed, even the very word "Hierarchy" scares many representatives of the world community. The events of the last 100 years in Russia, 200 years in the world (this is the time of revolutions) have led to the fact that the Hierarchy is equated with tyranny and dictatorship. Although this is completely wrong.
This is an empty intimidation, confusion of concepts, in order to shift the emphasis from the fundamental natural law.
"But how is it",- you will say, -"is it really like this: who is higher in the hierarchy and that is better?" This is another stupidity introduced into consciousness.
After all, it is not important who is "higher" or "lower", it's important to have YOUR own PLACE, where you can act by applying your gifts and get Pleasure from it.
And if the hierarchy is so terrible, then why does the entire animal world use it: the most effective living communities of ants and bees live in a strict hierarchy. And they have everything in its place, every bee and ant knows its responsibilities, tasks and place, and therefore performs its work effectively, realizes itself to the full and benefits the whole of its community.
You, of course, have often heard: "The lion is the king of beasts," or that there is always a chief wolf in the pack of wolves (the one that is the wisest and can guide the pack). And he always prepares his follower, he is not elected in the general election by a majority vote. Power is transferred from "hands to hands"
And now let's drop the curtain of the stereotypes imposed on us and look at the Hierarchy with sober minds, as a completely natural and even necessary phenomenon.
After all, in fact, the hierarchy exists in Every sphere of our life, starting with the needs of a human being. Remember the "Pyramid of Needs" created by Abraham Maslow, a famous American psychologist, the founder of humanistic psychology.
Or, for example, the hierarchy of cosmic bodies, biological species, hierarchy in an atom, in the human body, in religion, in computer systems, the hierarchy (ladder) of sciences ... etc.
Without going deep into history, but relying on facts, we can say that in the tsarist times, Russia developed, prospered and was in order. The revolution, having made everybody "equal", took from people "their own place" and "their own business, tasks, responsibilities", the natural order has departed.
The hierarch/hierarchical person is responsible for the prosperity of his/her community /group /country, for the development, well-being of every member of the community. The hierarch protects his/her people and his/her space. The hierarch has the power to reveal the best qualities, gifts of his/her people, to give them the opportunity to apply these qualities, to feel their need and realization.
Hierarchy is a matter-of-course order of nature.
Things, events, living systems have Hierarchy. It exists regardless of whether someone believes in it or not.
You have often met with the fact that some event must obviously be the first by its importance, and another is the second.., the third ... Violation of this hierarchical order leads to a stoppage of the movement and moreover, it can nullify the expected result.
We all obey some hierarchy.
If you are in a situation that you do not like the medical system or the education system, it's just other hierarchical chains that do not suit you. So you just have to see what suits you and who you should listen to. The system of state employment is also a hierarchical system. And most people simply do not imagine existence without state employment. That is, as in any hierarchical chain man is controlled by someone.
For certain, many times in your life you met people who intuitively (with their own body) feel the order of events and can give the right direction. These people feel the flow of money and right connections.
You do not understand how they know it, but you feel that it's right, that it Works!
Democracy is only one way of hierarchical government. Healthy democracy can only be with a healthy hierarchy. With a false democracy (which is so common in our time), a person cannot do what he wants, because he cannot find his place.
Notice how many people nowadays are searching for their place in the world until old age (and many do not find it).
The hierarch gives the Flow and direction of movement, he / she is responsible for the presence of movement, synchronism, harmony, prosperity. This is his / her primary task.
We will not talk about distortions, they were and will be. We are talking about how it should be. We speak about natural laws and rules. After all, in the end, everyone chooses in which community and by what laws he should live.
The law of Hierarchy does not abolish the law of Free Will on our planet. Only by his own decision, own desire and consent a person can be in any hierarchical system. Or leave it at any time.
It was the revolution that convinced that hierarchy was despotic. At different times there may be different governments.
For example, in wartime, totalitarian rule is suitable, since it requires quick and clear decisions of those who see the situation as a whole, there is no time to think long about things. In peacetime, there will be other forms of government. They depend on people who are gathered in this hierarchical chain, their tasks in this life, their direction of the movement.
If you return to tsarist times in Russia, for sure you will remember the Hierarchy: noblemen and peasants who are "subordinate" to them. But the peasants called their noblemen "Father" and "Mother" precisely because the nobleman's main task was to take care of the well-being of his peasants. And they gladly served their nobleman, they did not need the notorious "freedom" from serfdom. And the tzar himself was called: "King-Father".
Leo Tolstoy touches this issue in his novel “War and Peace”, talking about the attitude of nobleman Nikolai Bolkonsky to his peasants. “The peasants of Nikolai Bolkonsky are prosperous, Prince Nikolai Andreyevich always takes into account the needs of the peasants first and foremost. He cares about them and when leaving the estate due to the invasion of the enemy (that is, even at a very dangerous moment for his own life, he thinks about his people, his peasants).”
Watch the movie "Gone with the Wind" (1939). In the south of America, the noblemen always had servants, they were even sometimes called slaves, but they were family members, had their own specific duties. And within the borders of their duties they had the power they could hold: they looked after the house, the noblemen’s children, watched their appearance, food, behavior. They knew how to influence in order to achieve a positive result and fulfill their duties. And the noblemen listened to them in this.
Remember Syria and Libya have always had a clear hierarchy. They were the richest, prosperous countries of the world. Precisely because everyone clearly knew his place, and the head of state took care of the well-being of his people. Who did not like such prosperity (causes of wars), is not the issue of this article. But the fact remains.
We see confirmation of the naturalness of the Hierarchy in the world: Japan, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Norway - countries with a high standard of living, developing steadily, while maintaining their traditions, culture - these are countries with the monarchical rule - the Hierarchy.
The hierarchy is natural and exists on all levels of life: physiological, economic, spiritual, political, scientific, it brings prosperity and prosperity.
Very many people ask: "How to find your place in life, in the world?"
You need to find someone who inspires you. Usually, there is always such person in your environment. And not necessarily, he has some specific idea or information personally for you.
After all, there is no sense in simply collecting information, trying to find your place in life. Just an abundance of information does not give you any movement. Moreover, you need to be really cautious with information, the same as with food, for example. You can be infected with information that suits another person but does not suit you. And then you will get even more out of Your way.
Important is not the information itself, but the Carrier that is right personally for you. It must always be a person who is more hierarchical than you.
Moreover, when you see who is more hierarchical than you, then you will understand to whom you yourself can transmit information.
Hierarchy is a way to find your place and direction of your life path.
Alone, by ourselves, we do not exist in this world.
If you do not see, recognize a person you should obey ( obey, even if you do not understand why he tells you certain things), then you cannot understand to whom you can and should tell things (pass on information, give advice).
And if a person does not tell the one who he should tell, then situations in his life does not move.
If you did not find your hierarchical order, then you do not know to whom you can pass on information, where to send what you have worked, where to apply yourself, how to share your gifts and skills.
You will ask: "So, How to define if a person hierarchical or not".
In the presence of a hierarchical person you feel calm, happy and you know what to do. If you just begin to take care of this person on the physical plane, financially disinterestedly help him, then information from other sources will begin to come to you, right connections will come to you, you will begin to understand your needs and see your true, not illusory desires. Prosperity and movement will come in your life.
We suggest you look at your surrounding and understand who you should give and listen to, who should give you. At all levels.