First, I would like to know a little bit more about you, Anna.
Immediately after graduating from the economic University (with the degree: specialist in International relations) and with the diploma of the translator I started working in the Lyceum where I developed holistic integrative courses on different subjects. I start working as a tutor and a teacher, attending classes of the other students and teachers as a trainee simultaneously.
Then I also graduated from pedagogical University, and finished the technical college by professions a cook and a builder. For 9 years I prepared courses (immersions) in mathematics, biology, chemistry, languages, etc., integrated courses. I created my own techniques in the sphere of science and correctional psychology.
You worked there for 9 years , what most important did you learn/ understand there?
I understood that any High idea must be provided with spiritual purity and appropriate Lifestyle of all participants of the of the system (Lifestyle must coincide (match) with the High idea), otherwise the decomposition is inevitable and may lead to consequences that are extremely harmful to the psyche of children and adults. I saw how huge is the responsibility of the head of any system. And the task of the Leader is not only to lead by High ideas, but also to control fully the situation, fixing all the inconsistencies. Now I know how important it is to distinguish illusion from reality, and how well destructive reality can be hidden under strong illusion.
- When you come in contact with adults / children who have been educated in the conventional way, what most important difference you notice?
The difference in the closeness of the soul and alienation despite the illusion of openness.
It doesn’t matter if it is an adult or a child, it is all about the essence of education. Conventional schooling (actually it is not education) gives enormous alienation (aloofness). And then, as a consequence, the conflict of heart and mind (and in this conflict the intuition turns off completely). Then a person may feel a way how he must act, but not follow his/her feeling. Thus there is the strongest internal conflict that needs to come out.
Plus a lot of stereotypes that teachers give to children.
Let's say "fish"-teachers train the "squirrel"-children: “Do not get out of the aquarium, it's dangerous and finally not good and polite! Stop biting the algae, eat the food!!!” And all of these tips and stereotypes do not suit "squirrels".
It turns out that those who tries to teach sincerely from the heart, gives HARMFUL advice for "squirrels". But this does not mean that “fish” is worse than "squirrel" and vice versa... They are just completely different creatures who were artificially connected in the classroom. In this case, to teach and to learn like this is impossible. And of course the classic schooling IN ANY COUNTRY cannot take it into consideration the differences between “fish” and “squirrel”. Because the principle of sameness (uniformity) works everywhere.
- What is missing in conventional education?
As I said, the usual "education" exists for certain people and for them it is necessary in this form. So from this side and in this form everything is ok with conventional education. And not all people are unhappy with the modern system or want to change something. So for that contingent (type/group) of people for whom this system exists, it is absolutely suitable.
I also don't want to change the whole system of education or try to find out what is bad or missing in it. I make my own. Realizing my tasks, goals, my mission.
- How would you describe the specific value of real Education?
The school had the task - that everyone could Express individuality and realize it in the team. To return the Person to the Earth - that is, to create a personality that can manifest his mission on the Earth, by building, creating and not destroying, to Unite the mind and heart – that gives you the opportunity to manifest fully intuition and telepathy. To connect a person with his ancestral memory – that gives you the opportunity not to start from the beginning (zero point)- and to use the experience of hundreds of those who stand behind you. And it is not about genetic relatives (ancestral energy must not to be confused with genetic energy).
- How would you describe the essence of ‘learning’?
The essence of learning: is to create the basis (to reveal the soul), and to teach a person how to study, that is to involve (integrate) a child into the World, in the processes of interactions. To give an understanding of search activity.
What about the motive to learn? Motivation is a big question for many people
The motive to study can be only when the application of the offered skills in the future is obvious for the child: their usefulness for society, financial reward that a person can get or just the arisen interest. The interest arises when knowledge is taken from the surrounding events.
The understanding of the information takes place when everything is urgent and relevant, if you start teaching the child before he want it himself – it takes away time of his life...and in such situation to the age of 40 years he is often in crisis. Because at 7 – 9 years he was an “excellent student” and cluttered his head with junk files. The paradox is that if a child learns to read and write in 9-12 years (not earlier), then all elementary school he passes for 20 Hours. That is why I propose to think not about who will be this child but about what he will be in 40-50 years when he will become really Mature personality and will be able to lead others.
- Living like a family, feeling save, treating everybody equal, freedom, openness, liveliness, creativity, active presence, participation, co-creation, trust ... seem to be fundamental in this kind of education?
A sense of safety comes only when a person understands HIS OWN PLACE, understands natural hierarchy: who is above you, who you should listen to … who is under you, who should listen to you. All people cannot be equal. Even look at the natural processes… you’ll see it clearly.
Freedom assumes strict discipline. And the ability to carry your responsibility gives you the opportunity to meet the like-minded people then. Only self-sufficient, successful individuals can do something together in our world, but not those who have all the time to be helped or whom you need to drag with you. This was taught at school.
For a child, everything is real indeed. And it is important not to prepare to live, but to Live at this particular moment…here and now. That is, to obtain specific skills needed in life. To give knowledge with which the child may be useful to society, to give him skills that will help him to be wealthy in future. But for realizing this we must clearly see WHERE this child is moving.
- Is there a form of education (that you’ve studied) that you like the most/ prefer? Why?
That's what I'll talk about on my seminars. This is what I offer you. In many respects, I rely on my ancestral memory talking about the education like it was for children of the nobility in pre-revolutionary Russia, where until puberty was practiced ONLY home schooling. The level of education in Russia of the 19th century was very high. This time gave us A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, S.V. Kovalevskaya and many others that only received home education and gave the world bright and creative results.
- How is the distinction can be abolished between teacher and student?
As I said, differences are not removed and a natural hierarchy remains.
And the teacher is always there. And he leads. It is Extremely Important! It is the basis.
As a form of governing, a student can be in the role of the teacher and vice versa. BUT the teacher remains on his place and keeps his status. And this method is suitable only in groups where students are with the same brain frequency...otherwise, it just turns into the game in a democracy.
- It is fashionable nowadays to say: “Humankind knows everything! It is very important to remember again what was forgotten.” Could that be the essence of (real) learning?
I think here we are talking about connecting to ancestral energy and the ability to accept information directly from the Source (channel, has many names). But here is the question: if everybody wants to do this. If it is necessary for a person (i.e. his soul, his spirit). It is important to understand that people are DIFFERENT and not all need that.
It is important to bring back the MAN, PERSON (as a cosmic being), not the knowledge by itself. Because information is all around us in Energy-information field. It is important to be the one who can ”read” it, absorb it and implement.
- What effect / consequence has this way of learning in choosing a profession? How do the children relate to ‘the world’ and ‘their mission’?
When the soul is alive and it works, the person is always in relation to the Source and easily interacts with the World, acquires the necessary skills, is able to hear himself and to be in this particular place and at that necessary time … where and when he needs to be. That is, he is ADEQUATE.
It is quite natural that the child is included in the process of creation, because the main problem of alienation is a lack of presence in the present. Therefore, in order to involve the child in the process, you must create a situation or have a situation where he becomes the active participant and not simply the listener and the viewer.
Our seminars connect a person to this ancestral memory as it was made in pre-revolutionary Russia with the help of reading information from all layers of music, painting, and dance. This allows you to find someone who inspires you. This is my personal research that I want to share with you in my educational course.
It is important not to confuse genetic and ancestral energy.
Genetic energy is the genetic material … it is our parents and relatives. But now it is mainly a disconnection between parents and children. They are strangers to each other. (example: "fish"-"squirrels"). Very often the child cannot get something from his parents genetically. For instance, Natalia Bekhtereva-our famous scientist, the granddaughter of V.M. Bekhterev - Russian psychiatrist, neurologist, physiologist, psychologist, founder of reflexology and pathopsych ological direction in Russia, the academician. She was able to take genetic energy from her great ancestor. But in this case, the genetic energy for her was also her ancestral energy, because the sphere of her activities, her interests coincide with the activities of the outstanding Russian scientist Vladimir Bekhterev (her grandfather).
And what kind of genetic energy can inherit the tramp of the revolution times?
And generic = ancestral energy is the energy of outstanding people, whose direction of movement is close to yours, those who inspire you - with whom you resonate, feel deep connection.
- Can you already give a glimpse of what we can expect?
I'm very glad that watching my presentation video you paid attention to the beautiful setting, which in itself already provides a mindset for the future.
The method of education about which I am talking, existed in pre-revolutionary Russia, where the level of education was very high. The education was based on: music, singing, painting, dance, that is, the development of the SOUL! And this is the base, on which the natural Sciences then easily overlay (after 14 years). Children, thus, are connected to ancestral memory and can “read” science from the information field. They have developed sense-knowledge. And everything is comprehended easily.
Look at what is happening currently. People are searching for methods and techniques which help as EARLY as possible to involve (join) the child to all the Sciences and to learn them as soon as possible. Art, development of the speech are in the final plan. That is, the soul is diluted.
As a result, over the last 60 years, there are almost no achievements in other areas, all are busy trying to tame the sexual revolution and to cope with "bad", “trouble” new generation.
Therefore, till 10-14 years you do not need to teach a child the exact sciences. Then they can easily go into the brain and be accepted, understood by a child. He sees the natural connection between music and mathematics, for example, or mathematics and drawing. Just like this a sense of "abstract" is instilled to children, and "abstract" is difficult to understand to many children now. And abstract thinking is at the highest levels of thinking.
That is, using singing, dance, music and painting you can convert all the stiffness and blocks (congestions) in the psyche through the body and you do not need any psychotherapy . It is up to 14 years. Thus, until 14 years the possibilities for further advance are opened to the child, not clogged (as it is usually done by methods of early fast development)!
Then as the next step there naturally comes structuring– it is learning the exact Sciences.
Through singing, dance, painting also comes the knowledge of the other cultures (geography and language).
In this case, a person becomes an educated one - it does not seem to a person that Germans, Russians or the British are strangers. He can easily assimilate into the culture of any nation, feel the oneness.
Mathematics is the highest science, so why we try to tamp it in the brain of kids and those who are not 14 years old?
This is the period of stabilization in the development of a child. This can be done by request only, if the child himself asks such questions.
That is, singing, music (musical instrument, musical notation), dance, painting is the base, which is necessary to give to the child up to 14 years.
And what's more it is meditation for Europeans. Which, in fact must experience and learn all adults who want to be connected to the ancestral memory.
I want to draw your attention that it is now fashionable to practice meditation and various practices for harmonization of the internal state. Note that all that methods came from the East. But such meditation is not suitable for Europeas. (You may be shocked now. But I don’t convince, encourage or advice you to give up anything. I just suggest you to think over it. Let’s look deeper.)
If you remember – the languages of the Eastern group are intoned (so their perception is different), moreover they have a completely different mentality, traditions and way of life.
And for some reason no one asks the question: what kind of meditation was common for Europeans for thousands of years! And this is drawing, singing, music, crafts. All children and adults in families of the nobility was always taught to embroider, do needlework, sing, draw, dance. So they brought up the soul. It was always the base of education.
Have you tried to turn on harmonious music and start drawing without thinking...whether you know how to do it or not...just dive into the process? If you succeed - you will feel how your inner state fills with harmony.
And the idea that I can't sing or draw – proves that the human soul is already closed... This is a serious distortion, which affects many processes. Look at children...they paint, sing and dance joyfully...not burdening others talking about what they do not know or can’t do. They are included in the flow of creativity. And that is what we need to develop initially.
Many educators say: let's see what the child tends to do and follow it... and he is initially inclined to the arts, to the process of feeling and creation.
For example, mathematics is a measure and rhythm, which are initially learned in dance, music, drawing
We also learn to solve equations first through painting. It is very difficult to understand the equations from inside. It's unclear how it can be, for example: (25 – X). And in the painting there is the perspective - we see like this - but draw like that (in another way). Surprise! – Opening! And now it is already there -in the subconscious! And when a child is 14 it will become also very interesting! That is, the child sees in practice that the real things can be expressed on paper, but in a slightly different form. And moreover he creates his own product, reflecting the world.
So it was a short overview…
What do you mean with 'children of a lower/higher frequency'? Are they born with this specific frequency and can you increase it somehow?
Low and high frequency is the level/ speed of brain activity, which now can even be measured by different devices, or it is easy to notice it in people's behavior. (Webinar: Compliance in the family...)
And the most important point is that people with different type of frequency need different type of education and their activities in future are of course also different. Here comes the question of hierarchy and your own place in the world.
What is the main-message you want to share with us?
First of all, the child must be born in the family, created by conformity and compliance. So the genetic and ancestral energy can be connected. I believe that it is important to lead a child precisely his own life way, and help him to become connected with his own ancestral energy, his Spirit. And there are certain Natural laws that is important to know (to teach a child) and to fulfil.
Because the theme of the summer edition of Change is “Happiness”/ “being happy” I just want to ask you:
What does that word means to you? When do you feel most happy?
In Russian the word happiness sounds like – sCHASTie, CHAST is a Part (of something) that is, Happiness - is to be a part of the overall creation process, making your daily important steps, being responsible primarily for your Own life path and feeling the connection to your spirit.
The variant of the article in Dutch as it is in the magazine “Change”