Why is it so expensive?
Do you think that only rich people have the right to get such knowledge?
Where do you get this information?
What authority do you refer to?
Who are you?
If you need money, just tell me, and there is no need to manipulate
and play mind games with us - outraged some...
You want to talk about it??? - we shall ask.
Well... This article is a gift for you, dear readers.
Here we won’t talk about personal difficult situations (because for some reason a person is in this situation...and this is his own responsibility and his path)
Let’s look at the situation holistically. A holistic approach is very relevant and popular nowadays.
All educated people know: A person needs to pay for the information – it is Spiritual food.
For the restaurant people are willing to pay 50 € or more for making high-quality, delicious food in a pleasant atmosphere.
Accommodation for 1 night in a hotel even in a small European town or village costs from 50-120 € and more.
If you think for now that to pay 70-100 € in the restaurant and for the room is fine, and for the information - it is very expensive, so now you are on the bodily level. And first you need to gain all the experiences on this level. And you do not yet need the information you think you want to get. First you need to satisfy your basic needs efficiently: food, drink, clothing, housing.
At the very beginning you must study and pass a physical level, and then go to the
spiritual level (obtaining information from additional sources). Every person passes his
own stage (level), and without going through the previous stage completely, you cannot
jump to another level without getting necessary experiences.
So first satisfy your physical needs, may be after that you will get rid of the obsessive
idea to struggle for peace in the whole world, to implement some project… etc..
One of the very effective spiritual practices (and really difficult to many people) – is to go to the grocery store and to buy everything you want to eat/ drink, not thinking about prices or any other restrictions. And then eat it with great pleasure, feeling that you take the abundance of the world inside you. It really helps to tune your brains on a right direction. As the natural law works flawlessly: things (phenomena) can be attracted only by similar ones.
Paid money helps to create "Emptiness" (Void) in your brains for arrival of new information.
According to practice, precisely those who do not pay for the seminars (this opportunity is given to them by some reason), they keep on breaking the discipline or can't receive the information from the total flow, eventually get annoyed and may be dissatisfied with (because they wanted to take without exchange. And as you know, only breath in, without breathing out is impossible and not compatible with life)
It is proven that if the student pays low price for receiving information (price which is inadequate to the quality of this information), then the student cannot use it anyway. It looks like he does not understand it, that is, this information can’t become that person.
If you think that something is "too expensive" for you, that means that it's just not your information or not your place.
If you believe that you have not enough money for a seminar, you feel indignation and want to express your complaints about this openly and actively, or you will have to withdraw the money for the seminar from the expected expenditures of food, housing or clothing or other living expenses - you will need to spend that amount of money on satisfaction of those needs, in which you constantly restrict yourself. Make it beautifully and with great pleasure!
In this case, you direct the energy (money is energy) to what you really want and what is your personal need at a basic level (basic level –it is impossible to move further without satisfaction on this level).
Only then you will get the information which is necessary for you personally for that money. This is a flash of inspiration.
Inspiration is the law of life that works only on condition of the correct direction of energy at the right time.
And it is very likely that after that you will be satisfied and you will not want to seek more information in the seminars, as there will be discovered exactly what you personally need.
Obtaining information is one of the pleasures and enjoyments. Everyone needs the particular pleasure that is necessary to him PERSONALLY at this time.
But very often people follow the stereotype, do what is fashionable, not what THEY need. Or go somewhere invited by their friends, but not listening to their inner feeling.
So all your frustrations on people who move their own way and set the adjusted prices for the provided information, distort information flows even more. And this information were supposed to come to you and to help you. And thus you yourself overlap the flow of your energy (and money, since money is energy).
For high quality aesthetic pleasure (Theater, Opera...) money is always got up front, and this is a big amount of money.
It happens because there people recharge themselves, fill with new emotions, get a burst of new creative energy.
When you go to a seminar, you should always understand what you want to be filled with.
That is, if that's what you really need, the money is easily can be found. You should not doubt if you will get what you need or not. If you are sure that it is what you need - it is certainly worth this money.
If you related properly your real needs to the provided information, you will be satisfied for sure and there won’t be any disappointment. This will provide you with energy and information for moving forward on your path.
Gathering of excess information leads to stagnation, blockage of brain files and slowing of
personal development down to a stop.
Eating food leads to intoxication, that is, the clogging of the physical body and the collection
of excess information leads to the blockage of the mental body.
It is important to digest and to put into practice any information that comes to a person.
All the information you got must be "brought down to earth" by ACTION, not just dreams and talks.
People who attend a lot of seminars, not using in full the information in their personal life, becomes like picky buyers that already have an excess of things, their wardrobes are bursting, and they go to buy a new thing just by inertia. They need "exactly the same jacket, BUT only with pearl buttons". And the seller is always to blame and responsible for their problems.
A vivid example of someone who wants to learn to ride a bike. He learned all the theory, got the information (i.e. time), and already rides a bicycle, and the teacher supports the bike by the saddle.
But if the student will not finish the training until he will ride ALONE, by himself – he won’t ride a bike, that means that he did not put the received information into practice, into action.
“But it's his right” - you will say! And after all, We live in a free country!
And it is like that indeed... just do not forget about natural laws, which, of course, you can violate for some time, but eventually they'll catch up with you.
When the student takes the information (i.e. the time), and does not use it, over and over again his childish, infantile eating information is generated in the habit (it becomes “all-knowing wise man”, not able to use the knowledge). As a result skepticism, obsession and inferiority appear (after all, having taken the Flow, hi didn’t give motion to it). It also blocks creativity manifestation.
And each time, the ability to get "living" information decreases.
Our advice is: to get ONLY the information that you want to experience, to realize in YOUR own life.
ABOUT THE PROSE OF LIFE in THE 21st century:
A person visits 1000 of seminars (since it is cool, fashionable, friends called them). In the end, he doesn’t feel their usefulness, this information is not particularly necessary to him. And here, "throwing away" a huge amount of money, the man suddenly meets the right seminar that suits his needs (there is an internal response when he finds out about this seminar). But the price is somehow "too high". And he begins to frustrate to the organizers of this workshop, considering that this is extortion. And they are so unfair, depriving him of this information. But he himself just wasted all the money for the completely unnecessary information.(he spent his energy and time, and of course now he has a severe shortage. And when a person is hungry, he's aggressive)
But the aimless wasting of your time and energy of life is only YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. This article shows you YOUR responsibility for overeating information.
And Sometimes a person attends the seminar, pays money and wants to learn something in order to be praised (i.e. heals "childhood wounds"). Then you just have to be realistic and realize WHY you are doing this, not trying to be a teacher and immediately pass this information, referring to the seminar.
It means that it is important to decide for YOURSELF:
WHAT and WHY you want to get, where to direct your time and money.
This will help you to be healthy, kind and satisfied!
On our seminars we use the Natural law of 3presentations: if a student came to the workshop and he is already dissatisfied with something for 3 times, he shows aggression, has a lot of claims, requires a lot of extra attention (which always affects the group and the General field activities), the workshop leader have the right to remove such a person from the seminar without explanation, as it is evident that he is not in his place, and moreover he prevents the rest of the participants from getting information that they really need (creates a disturbance, disrupts the information flow).
And we, in turn, are responsible for the purity of the provided information and healthy Energy and information field of interactions.