Do children need to study music. What is musical education for life like?
"Music is the only world language , which does not need translation, soul speaks with soul on the language of Music"
Berthold Auerbach
Have you ever heard stories about a little girl/boy who was forced to study the piano or violin at a music school, she/he graduated from this school with tears and overexertion and then never came close to the instrument in her/his life?
But there are also another stories: parents forced their child to play the piano, daughter did not want to, but obeyed and practiced, as she respected the opinion of her parents. And then, when she grew up, she could already play her children, albeit not very complicated but beautiful musical composition and on a real music instrument. “And the kids absolutely love it,” as one mother with a similar experience admitted to me.
Why does a person needs Music and its true UNDERSTANDING so much…
Music helps to EXPRESS EMOTIONS. Helps to LIVE these emotions.
Psychologists who work with emotions know that it is very important that the emotion does not settle in the depths of a person (causing illness), but manifests itself.
Easy to say, but not so easy to do.
Psychologists often advise their clients that in order for an emotion to come out, a person needs to draw, sing, dance, play this emotion or listen to certain music that expresses such emotion.
There is, for example, classical music… like classical literature, why is it called “classical”?
Because these works contain all possible classical = standard patterns of behavior, situations, psychological stories, typical roles that people play in life are shown.
And in order to understand your emotion in the symbols described above, you need to know )have heard before) a big Variety of compositions, so that, as if by itself, an understanding arises: WHAT kind of music I want to turn on now, in order to experience this emotion along with this music.
Impact on psychological state render : volume of music, its pace, frequencies, manifold tonalities, also auxiliary effects.
Classical music affects on human, giving vital strength and stamina. It reduces anxiety, possibility of depression and nervousness. Promotes assimilation of knowledge.
Conducted research showed that creations of certain composers stimulate specific reactions. For example , Bach and his " Italian concert " lowers negative emotions anger and resentment.
Tchaikovsky and Beethoven wrote masterpieces that contribute to healthy sleep, reduce nervousness. Mozart and his creations may help with irritability and headaches.
Rock , metal , heavy music increase emotions - negative as well as positive .
Rock charges with energy, however disturbs inner balance and contorts inner rhythms.
Scientific research revealed that precisely the pace and monotony of rock compositions give negative consequences. In particular it is noticeable in the age group of 11-15 years old .
Pop Music. Scientists confirmed that pop music renders negative impact on memory and mindfulness because of monotonous rhythm.
Rap. According to the research rap generates feeling of anger. Rap monotony may become the basis of irritability, anger, deterioration in mood and general emotional tone .
Blues influences on emotions in a good matter, it soothes, reduces nervousness.
Reggae – music of excellent mood, increases emotional activity, acceptance of situations, dos not generate bitterness or anger.
Modern club and electronic music reduces learning ability, negatively affects on mental abilities. Sometimes increases nervousness and inner tension.
Folk music, folk - increases general emotional activity, gives listener a high.
Initially, different types of music was created for different social strata of the populationand for different tasks (this is important to understand and remember).
Musical compositions evoke certain emotions, sensations, thoughts: they relax, comfort, bring peace to the soul, delight or concentrate and contribute to making the right decision, or help to survive the depth of sadness.
Or they cause anxiety, nervousness, an explosion of emotions, a surge of energy (which is important to know where to direct), anger, aggression, irritability, dissatisfaction.
Knowledge of various genres and compositions helps a person to easily choose the right one to maintain and live the state in which he is now. So, it is possible to independently transfer oneself to the state necessary at a given moment in time.
But this does not mean that if your child listens to rap or heavy metal, it means that he should immediately ban it, saying that this music has a bad effect on him, and you take care of his health.
On the contrary, by being interested in the music your child listens to, you can better understand his inner state and help him change it if necessary. Invite him to turn on his favorite tracks in the car just to hear them. To let someone else listen to your favorite music means to let him into your world. And if you gently ask your child what kind of music he likes, or ask him to turn it on, you can learn more about your child, and he will feel your sincere interest in his person. (but it should be a sincere interest, and not a desire to catch something forbidden or “preach” a child)
Music, like literature, needs to be listened to with the child and discussed. A taste should be instilled. The variety must be shown! But you can do this only by your own EXAMPLE!
- make a home dancing evening with beautiful music where you will move in accordance with the mood of the music
- go to the concerts with your child, discuss what emotions this or that music evokes in him.
- attend educational interactive lectures
- tell your childen interesting stories about the life of composers, how and why a composition was created
- tell about the time periods when compositions appeared (a good way to study history), show beautiful pictures
-visit music museums, where it is possible to see and hear huge variety of musical instruments
All this is important to do with great interest from your side, and without coercion.
After all, the task of parents is to show diversity and provide opportunities!
Listen to a good music with your child from the early age, then as he growing up - discuss the music.
And in this way a child will learn to listen to music and live it.
That is he will have another means of understanding himself and improving his inner state!