Money is an assistant and an indicator of the correctness of our movement in material world.
Also money is a filter to find people with the Worldview close to ours.
Money is the exchange option.
We say that we need to pay for everything. To get something, you need to Give. People pay by their time, health, money...
If there is some project or idea, certainly they need financial justification, confirmation and financial provision - if there is no financial provision, it turns out to be the discrepancy – contrived illusory ideas or the common desire to duplicate what was done by someone else and you think it's easy.
It is obvious that starting any business or implementation of any project needs money from the beginning as we live in a MATERIAL WORLD.
In fact, all people have money and abundance, BUT because of incorrect relationships, interdependence, illusory kind relations, prestige - many good people in Europe and in Russia keep staying poor - because they cannot overcome these stereotypes.
It is impossible to Give constantly only because it is your friend, good person or relative, and that is the only reason why you are obliged to him (your “good relations” or kinship). There SHOULD be an EXCHANGE! (in general exchange can be not only for money). But now in most cases people have nothing to give, except for money. That is, their level of development is not so high to exchange, for example, the information.
To rise up to a new stage in the spiritual, social and material relations new high-frequency information is always needed to a person (at any level of development).
Therefore, to go further to a new level – a person ALWAYS has to give away something that has real value to him, and as a rule it will be significant enough for that person.
Therefore if a person wishes to Get something – he should Give (= pay in money).
Otherwise he will not take any advantage/benefit/ no any good from the information that was given to him (it is like an overeated person … he feels himself bad already, but he can’t stop eating …)
AND what is the MOST IMPORTANT: the one who Just Gives, WITHOUT the EXCHANGE – then PAYS by HIMSELF for what he did (losing his social position, money, health, sincere relations…)!
Someone PAYS in any case.
If the person, who takes necessary things/information for himself, does not pay … but simply take - without REAL exchange (even «with gratitude ») - It the greatest discrepancy. In the nature such things does not happen!
The life is a breath and an exhalation. It is impossible to exhale only!!! In this case The life will end very quickly.
Because of interdependence and illusory kind relations many people CANNOT GIVE THE REAL NAME to the relations in which they are... They suffer a lot, feel, that they lose themselves, but consider, that it is impossible «to tear connections » … though there are no any true connections and sincere communication. These people are only the "meal" for their relatives/ “friends”.
If everything is arranged in a right way, you have correct relations with people, there is always money for what you really need...
Something new can be created ONLY using the released money... Money loves movement and most people treat it in a wrong way – they safe and safe money, it simply lays… just in case …
Money helps to trace, whether there is a movement of energy or there was a stop. Money should be always in movement, it does not like an imprisonment. Accumulation of money causes energy and information stagnation. And if you move properly the necessary quantity of money always comes for necessary things. If money does not come, it is necessary to look for what it can be connected with and to correct this mismatch.
When your relations are properly built, near to you are those who bears conformity by their way of thinking, worldview and their life then there is a constant movement of energy, the necessary information comes always on time, there are events, there are people who you need, necessary money comes, you feel that you are alive and life goes on. You feel that you are in a Stream… in a flow!
It is Always possible to find out, WHY the PERSON does not HAVE MONEY FOR his business or for the necessary seminar...
It is possible and safe to give the energy ONLY to those who develops. To poor and unfortunate you can help by meal -only for 2 times. And for the third time show him his mistake (why money does not come, or why he is so unhappy and poor) and ask not to address you anymore. So this is real confidence and respect to a person, to his power, his Way...
If you help constantly … it means already incorrect relations which corrupt (spoil) a person who you help permanently (if the person HIMSELF does not want to move, nobody is able to help him, to shift him. In Russia we say: No any water flow under a lying stone)
According to the natural laws you can help a person for not more than a half of the lunar cycle. If a person made a mistake or was in a difficult situation, this time is quite enough for him to get up and start moving independently. But it can happen only if he is really determined to live and to overcome the difficulties, to transform himself.
Respect and Love to a person manifests not in carrying him like a burden, but in seeing his dignity and know that he will recover, bounce back and go forward.
If a person comes to you with the same problem more than 3 times, it means that he is not intended to solve his problem. His purpose is quite different. He is looking for someone on whom he can PIN THE BLAME FOR HIS WRONG ACTIONS.
The Law of the EXCHANGE fully operates in this new time after Transition. (it is like the hygiene of relations). Without understanding it you cannot move further.
If the person wants something (he has stable intention) and knows, that it is extremely important and necessary for him, he gets it. And he always finds money for it though, it looks like, there was no money. Because money - is energy, it moves in the direction of free space!
When the person has a lot of discrepancies in relations and deeds… there is «a dirty bog » in his space, and new energy cannot simply come there.
The webinar: Money flows: Money as s helper of building right relations.
The webinar: Money flows . Money Management. Money as a means of protection.
Drunvalo Melchizedek:
"How Can You Charge for Spiritual Teachings?"