AND WHAT ARE the BASIC subjects?
Real education (not to be confused with schooling/ studying) is the process of gaining:
An educated person assimilates easily in the culture of any nation, and always feels himself a part of the Unified Whole.
In Russian the word EDUCATION sounds as – OBRAZOVANIE (OBRAZ-ZOV- anie). Obraz (in Russian) = Image (in English) is an Ideal, example, the upper. Education is the CALL of the Images, the Ideal. The Ideal is the highest manifestation of any phenomenon to which health consciousness is always directed.
Since childhood each of us was looking for an Example that he wanted to follow, that inspired and led him.
The task of education is to shape holistic images, that is, not to teach, but to connect the person to the unified energy-and-information field. Because all the information already exists around us.
But in order to use it, we need to get real basic knowledge and skills, the so-called down-to-earth knowledge. Therefore, learning subjects at the basic level is necessary for everyone (they set the Foundation, as the launch site for rockets).
First of all any virtuoso specialist, always needs to get the basic knowledge which are the keys that open the door to a world of information, where he will be able to operate also intuitively.
The basic subjects are mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, languages (the right attitude to the Word is extremely important for an educated person)... BUT FIRST and FOREMOST, the basic are the "subjects " that “unpack” and develop the soul of person, that is music (playing the instrument), singing (manage your voice), dance (manage your body), drawing (painting).
Exactly these subjects every person needs to "study" from an early age. Then all the other school subjects will be naturally learnt easier later. It happens because many terms he would have already learnt to feel, not just understand it logically.
As the vibrations of the Earth and the frequency of the human brain have changed, it became possible the get the information in a short time in substantial volumes.
"Immersion" implies a concentrated, dominant appeal to the information flow of one particular subject within certain period of time, alternated with the creative activities and physical exercises. In the process of "immersion" a person gets the opportunity to overcome the fragmentation of knowledge, which is standard in the traditional multi-subject school day.
This method is based on the research of peculiarities of brain functioning and specific rhythms of brains (studies of the physiology of higher nervous activity of a man conducted by I. M. Sechenov, N. E. Vvedensky, A. A. Ukhtomsky, I. P. Pavlov, L. S. Vygotsky, V. M. Bekhterev, etc.).
The effectiveness of the method of "immersion" is confirmed by pedagogical practice. All participants and teachers of the project the " Plenitude of the World" got a holistic education using this method.
1) For personal growth
Most currently living people, were trained by the traditional method, and got only artificial substitute of education, which had for them no any practical value, and was deprived of the opening up a holistic view on any subject that led to piecewise (i.e., underdeveloped) consciousness. And this, in turn, always affects the ability to make decisions and to take responsibility for your own actions, to be socially realized. In addition, in the process of traditional studying, people have got complexes and fears, energy hits, disappointment, low self-esteem and tendency to self-neglecting, self-destruction.
Our methods of Education recovers a holistic view of the world, removes fears, helps to identify deep inner stress (mostly received in school age), inferiority complex, and to heal them. It operates much more efficiently than any psychotraining, psychotherapy, energy healing (reiki, rebirthing, various types of meditation, etc.) as it is related to the immediate cause, not to the consequence, and has a specific down-to-earth nature.
The time of these healing techniques is over, and the creators of these techniques also told about it.
There is a proverb: “fight fire with fire” or “one nail drives out another”.
If a person does not understand holistically one of the basic subjects, it affects the quality of emotional, social, mental, and intellectual life.
The holistic education forms healthy critical mind, accelerates the processes of individualization, gives the ability to solve the problem on your own, not to escape from it, not to replace the concept and not dump the responsibility on God, Love or Higher Power that has become very popular in modern philosophy of “new-age” movement.
This method of education also gives the opportunity to identify social and spiritual manipulations, allows to define clearly your own place and trajectory in “space - and-time” dimension, and gives the opportunity to use the ancestral energy (do not confuse with genetic energy).
Also the fear of the unknown, incomprehensible words and anxiety go away.
The person should have healthy criticism. When a person is educated, that is, he has a holistic vision, an Image of any science or subject, he can get any necessary information at any time.
2) For Parents and teachers
Classical “education” does not allow the parent to be the Ideal and the leader for a child, which is so necessary for him in the difficult way which he just starts. A child is waiting for the leadership of elder and wiser.
Unfortunately, the classical training assures that the parent (adult) should learn from the child, there appears familiarity that destroys a child's psyche, “creating” an uncontrollable and “troubled teenager”.
But it is the Responsibility of parents, elders to lead the child towards mental and spiritual development.
The Holistic education will help to unite with the children more deeply. It is important to know that children born after 1980s have higher brain frequency (they are so-called “indigo children”), and since 2000, there came to the Earth children with even more possibilities (“crystal children”), but this does not mean that they do not need to be brought up, educated, and that they are already born geniuses. (That is the greatest mistake!)
Mentally they still have to pass certain stages of development, gain experiences. And parents are primarily responsible for whether this child can develop and manifest his abilities inherent in him from birth or the excess energy and brain frequency will be devastating and destructive.
Therefore, during the period of maturation of the child, the parent is responsible for the future of the child, for whom this person will be at 40-50 years – the age of the highest social activity.(WEBINAR MATRIX)
The current methods of accelerated early development, takes away power and energy from the mental body of the child. And this energy a child would need at 30-40 years. That is why at the age of 30-40 years a lot of people have a mid-life crisis. Probably among your friends you will find many “victims” of early “education”.
After our seminars on General education, you will be able to obtain the necessary knowledge, holistic vision and to transform inner blocks and complexes, that you got in childhood. It will give you the opportunity to take your place next to the child, to see real situation and understand the processes that the child experiences in the process of growing. Moreover our seminars will help you to understand and find your own place in life.