⁠Holistic General education for parents, teachers and children
(annual course)
        The annual course of Holistic General education in the new century consists of three main areas:
        Scientific knowledge (subjects), creative power (soul development), social knowledge.
        The course is aimed at training intelligent, well-educated, gentlemanlike person, who is savvy in the sphere of social interactions, has skills in the main areas of creative development (= development of the soul): management of voice, natural motion and dance, music, drawing; who has sufficient knowledge to teach his/her children at home, a basic knowledge for the organization of educational groups or schools.
        During the course, each participant will receive a healthy matrix and transform stresses, which are deep inside from the school years, when the education for him was torture (for some certain reasons, each person has his own). And, therefore, a person has to face the effects of such schooling till now.
        Currently, many parents wishing to participate personally in the education of their children, just can't do it, because they do not have knowledge and understanding in many educational and psychological areas or have their own deep stereotypes. They do not have a clear vision: what is needed for this child and how to determine it.
        This course is designed especially (upon requests) for adults: parents and teachers so that they’ll have the opportunity:
• to upgrade and renew their own education, to make it holistic, to systematize knowledge
• to remove negative patterns acquired in childhood at school age
• to balance their inner state
• to obtain correct models of behavior (because the child will read out (scan) exactly the models of behavior!)
• to gain skills of structuring information, creating a holistic system of any of subject on their own, i.e. open the possibility of SELF-Education
        It is important not only to get new knowledge but also to eliminate negative experiences and destructive models of behavior and education, imposed in the childhood. It is essential not to pass wrong destructive images to your children, to the next generations.
This course will provide opportunities for adults to pass and share only healthy images, structured, coherent, clear, holistic knowledge.
The Whole course lasts for 1 year:
4 real seminars for 6 days each with a break of 64 days (2 months)
Each real seminar has a Certain Schedule  (schedule for the first real seminar)
2-3 webinars per week during 2 months.
  • the subject (mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics),
  • social knowledge (necessary for successful socialization),
  • drawing,
  • revival of the natural voice
        During the course participants will be provided with necessary teaching materials in e-form. For the 64 days (between the real seminars) there will be given assignments (“homework”)  on the studied topics and for further development.
        The real seminars include:
        Subject (Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
- It is a holistic vision of the subject(!)
- understanding of basic concepts, terms
- deepening in the most important and complicated issues
that caused stress and left questions inside since childhood.
- this will lead to an important understanding: how to move in the future on your own
-give skills of structuring information, self-creation of the integral system of any subject
        Drawing: Painting (patterns). Shapes. Calligraphy. Graphics. Oil.
        The restoration of the natural voice, the elimination of speech defects
        Dance: the natural movement, the development of natural grace
                                 The schedule for the First seminar is here
The time of seminar is fully organized so that you can dive into the creative atmosphere, enjoy it and get important holistic knowledge and healthy patterns without thinking of organizational moments.
Price for the 1st seminar (6 days) includes:
  • Transfer from the airport
  • Accommodation
  • Food (3 meals per day + 2 coffee pauses)
  • Seminar knowledge
  • All the necessary stuff for the seminar (like special pencils, paper for drawing; plates for dancing… etc.)
  • Educational material in electronic form
  • Concerts of live music and singing
  • Promenades in the nature
For details please contact us: anna.pavlova.plenitude@gmail.com
Signal/WhatsApp: +41762051705