Drawing: Graphics.
  • Ways and exercises to switch on creative thinking, connecting the right and left brain with the help of drawing shapes.
  • Lecture on resource: Drawing and painting as ways of observation and meditation for Europeans.
  • Techniques of correct perception and drawing perspective and proportions.
  • Methods and exercises for correct perception of 2 and 3 dimensional objects. Right orientation in space.
  • How to make a step from symbolic drawing and move on to drawing realistic shapes.
  • Developing skills for drawing outlines.
  • The logic of light and shadow. Psychological component...

First Seminar
(dates may vary)

 The restoration of the natural voice, the elimination of speech defects

  • The impact of the sound on the human body.
  • The impact on the psyche, mentality. What skills should an adult and a teacher have, to teach children singing. How to teach culture of speech.
  • Three secrets to tune and revive your natural voice. Practice.
  • "Proguzhivanie" - an ancient Russian method of treatment using vibration of the voice. Practice.
  • 7 exercises for your voice from the Kingdom of animals and birds.
  • Exercises for elimination personal speech defects to let your speech flow and sound pleasant
  • Why and how voice management is related to the process of individualization of a person?
  • Why management of voice and speech development are among the most important principles of bringing up harmonious personality.

   Dance: the natural movement, the development of natural grace

  • Introductory lecture: Correction of the body shape, education of the natural graces of the body for children and adults. What is the difference between dance and sport in the aspects of the formation of the physical body, will and soul.
  • The danger of too strong deepening in the sport during pubertal period. Why dance is best suited for the development of the body.
  • The movement with the classical music, development of natural grace.
  • Drawing in motion.
  • Lecture: why do the Europeans need to move exactly with the classical music.
  • Working with energy using natural movement with the music, the correction of the emotional state with the help of natural movements.
  • The natural movement through the images of nature, birds, animals.
  • Exercises to feel and accept your body.
        Subject         Mathematics
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