Part 1
The content of this seminar has an approximate character and can be changed during the seminar in accordance with the request of the group, the direction of the process and asked questions. As it is an alive process.
This seminar is useful for parents and teachers who are eager to immerse into the sense and to help their children. Moreover it will help adults to heal their own shocks from school years and to get a healthy matrix.
As we say: Biology is a science about Life.
On this seminar we’ll think, discuss and learn:
• The systematic, holistic vision of Biology in the volume of secondary school.
• Overview of each part of Biology.
• We’ll think over the definitions: Life, a Cell, a Man, Biology, Genes, Genius
(where did they come from and their meaning sound by sound using Russian language).
• Compare the sense of these terms and their official definitions.
• We’ll talk about DNA, folk culture, the natural laws and their importance.
• We’ll look at biology as a system of sciences. Find connections of Biology and other subjects.
• We’ll discuss the features of the living. And watch attentively on the Earth from this position.
• Make together a special table: the Cell – the Man – the Earth.
• Theories how the Life appeared on the Earth. And how the mankind is influenced by these theories. Choose the most appropriate for our world view. And then will take it into consideration studying all the topics.
• Watch into literature and find examples in quotes of the Unity of Everything (I’ll do my Russian literature variant, you’ll find yours)
Topics we are going to talk about and systematize the info (they are the most important in our Life to understand First):
• cytologia,
• genetics,
• biochemistry (elements, water! , think together of balanced meal)
• anatomy (physiology: Our own Organism!),
• first aid
Creation of your own holistic vision of Biology. Make a project in a team.
Discussion. Questions.