A sense of rhythm, the ability to hear and perceive
the world as it is and Express yourself adequately in it -
are the basic skills which are necessary for every person.
We live in a world of diverse sounds that in one way or another
affect our lives, worldview and health. After all,
any melody forces us to move in a certain way,
and our cells to vibrate at a certain frequency.
Not by chance, since ancient times, a certain kind of dance responded to the specific situation
and was danced for a particular purpose.
- Circle Dance (khorovod), for example, danced everywhere across the earth in the places of power,
for the gathering, transformation and activation of energies.
- To involve a person in certain Stream needed to him personally –
the dance of individualization was danced.`
- To get the knowledge of other cultures, develop the ability to penetrate easily into ethnicity (which is true intelligence) – there was historical dance
Dance has always been used for entry into the special meditative state, in the highest state of harmony with nature. Dance is a form of meditation that is like no other meditation suitable for Europeans.
"When we give ourselves fully to the spirit of the dance, it becomes a prayer,"- wrote Gabriel Rot.
In fact, our body as a holistic, unique organism is always dancing the dance of life.
Dance is a manifestation of our inner hearing through movement, it is the transmission
of certain kinds of original energies that connect a person with the phenomenon that he touches.
Life is constant movement. But the movement can be different: the smooth and attractive, noble, statuesque, harmonising all around or harsh and repulsive, destructive... Therefore it is important to understand the essence of various types of movement and distinguish between their influence.
Dance helps the harmony to penetrate to the depths of the soul and bring inspiration into every day. Dance is the hidden language of the soul.
"We should consider that the day was lost if we have not danced at least once" - wrote the great Friedrich Nietzsche.
"Watch your body, if you want your mind to work properly" – said Rene Descartes
Education is the ability to work with the images to transmit them, to share them.
While dancing images are transmitted through motion, the body is developed and improved, energy centres are naturally elaborated, loftiness is gained, and it is so necessary for a person to position himself properly in society.
With the help of dance you can:
• comprehend a certain era, period of time, absorb its images and character
(historical-household dance: the Polonaise, minuet, Gavotte)
• log into the group energies and connect to them (folk dance)
• express your individuality, understand and reveal your inner potential
through natural movement, following your feelings (flamenco)
• connect to Your own generic (kin) energy, which is a guiding force in our life