Nature is always in motion... lines, patterns, shapes... birds, animals, insects, plants, clouds, seas and rivers, planets and galaxies create certain shapes by the dynamics of life, draw lines and patterns.
Bees fly in a certain path, day by day waves repeat their original form, the Earth moves around the sun describing an ellipse in the celestial space...
It is no coincidence that the lines and shapes are so important to natural objects. With their help Space is structured, the order of the universe, alignment of natural processes are created. These natural shapes and patterns are the most harmonious for the human nature as well. That is why, perceiving and understanding them, you can structure your inner world, align it.
Drawing forms helps to develop and strengthen feelings. After all, feelings help us to experience the world correctly and adequately and to react to what is happening. If we substitute feelings by emotions it can cause the destruction of the personality structure. (And this substitution was particularly noticeable in recent decades).
Art is therapy, which gives healthy feelings, awakens the soul to life. Notice how many young people nowadays simply do not want to live, are permanently depressed, cannot find the meaning of life.
In modern science, the perception is reduced to 5 basic senses: sight, hearing, taste, sense of smell and touch. Senses are compared to certain "devices ". For example, the eye is like a camera. This approach rapidly decreases the depth of the experiences. In this case the Human being Himself is excluded, as well as his senses and consciousness. A healthy person always actively perceives and interprets the world.
Our feelings help to perceive everything the way it is! Only our thinking can form an incorrect interpretation.
Drawing forms helps to experience a harmonious tactile experience. And the sense of touch is one of the basic, bodily senses. The sense of touch which is not developed properly, doesn’t allow to develop further feelings of soul and spirit. Drawing shapes requires a sense of balance and develops it in each form that we draw.
Levels of feelings
3 | Spiritual feelings | Feeling of “Yourself”, of “I” |
| Feeling of the thought |
| Feeling of the Word |
| Sense of hearing |
2 | Soul feelings | Feeling of warmth |
| Sense of sight |
| Sense of taste |
| Sense of smell |
1 | Body feelings | Feeling of balance |
| Feeling of movement |
| Feeling of life |
| Sense of touching |
We draw not only sitting at the table, but also practice it while standing, the whole body is involved in creating a harmonious shape. It’s the centering of the body, revival of internal symmetry.
Drawing shapes develops a sense of life – a sense of your own place in the physical world. The person feels that he is living in his body, he is grounded, he learns to stand on his own two feet.
Drawing shapes requires continuous improvement, inaccuracies are visible at once, they cannot be hidden. It is the ability to be honest with yourself and to influence your everyday life, achieving good result. Created Ideal shape leads to the experience of a masterpiece, created by you – that is happiness.
If the sense of touch is impared a person becomes timid, fearful, and extremely vulnerable. If the sense of movement is impared a person becomes sad, doddering, impaired sense of balance causes contact-fearing, asociality, impaired sense of life causes – nervousness. Correct development of these feelings allows the person to feel comfortable in this world, to feel accepted by others, to be confident, calm, United with his spirit.touch is
Basically many adults have poorly developed feelings (because we need to develop them in the very childhood), Then further development of feelings –such as feelings of the spirit which are sense of thoughts, words, sense of "Yourself" is extremely challenging. Because it is impossible to build a house without a Foundation. That is the spirit of a person is like in prison.
We suggest you to develop and strengthen basic feelings witha very pleasant, creative, joyful activities, and together with them, the feelings of the soul and spirit. To enjoy the process, and as a result – to get physical and spiritual rehabilitation by creativity.
Drawing shapes is a unique opportunity of holistic personal development at all age levels.
Complete forms surround humanity and harmonize the space for thousands of years. Various forms have been used from the earliest times: for example in ancient Greece, vases were painted by forms, showing the expansion process of the soul in the universe.
Look at the letters of famous people. Their writings are Magnificent. They use patterns for certain purposes. It is more than beauty creation.
Russian nobles paid particular attention to the letters and the style of writing. It was an art. In such letter, using special writings and patterns you can protect and balance the information that is shared.
This course will be useful for a person who wishes to develop and strengthen his or her feelings: for children, parents, teachers, who later may draw shapes with their children and students.
Online-lessons will be held 2 times a week for 40 min.
For the lessons you’ll need soft simple pencil, wax crayons, album pages of A4 and A3 format, you can also use the back side of Wallpaper cut into A3 size or larger. It is better, if the paper color is yellowish.
These classes combine drawing forms at the table and gymnastics. Therefore, clothing must be comfortable.
You can attend all the classes in a row, and it is possible to skip some classes, or you can ask for the recording of missed classes