(This seminar was created by special request of home-schooling groupsparents, and teachers)
        The content of this seminar has an approximate character and can be changed during the seminar in accordance with the request of the group and asked questions.
        Numbers, Calculations, Measures, Shapes - to feel, to touch and to understand 
naturally and holistically.
                                  In this seminar-immersion we will:
                              Immerse into the World of Math
                                       Learn and play!
• look at the Math through music, dance, drawing, crafts 
(a person does not need already to be able to draw, sing or dance, etc.)
• see the manifestation of mathematical laws in Nature
• activate brain activity 
• train memory, the speed of thinking, attention, 
synchronize the right and left hemisphere, that is, to achieve integrity. 
• learn to count fast and correct (according to statistics, in the exams, elder pupils make mistakes in basic calculations)
• solve the exercises on gumption
• learn about the number system of the Maya civilization
• every child will learn his name and Number, according to the Mayan calendar
•    put the knowledge of mathematics into practice
        The majority of primary school children do well at school, and the elder the child
becomes, the more fears of the main subjects arise in him and there appears unwillingness to study and even resistance. A child gets a great stress and then do not want to move on.
The task of education is to carry on the Ideal, the Image, which children want to follow so much. They are looking for it.
The biggest mistake is that teachers try to “inject” the logical math (formulas, theorems) into children’s brains till they are 14-15years.
Therefore the soul is emasculated, and children lose feeling and sense of life. Only after they are12-13 years old (after 2nd period of puberty), children are really ready for the logical reasoning and conclusions. 
        During this seminar, we will create the atmosphere of the natural development of mathematical thinking through various activities. It is very important that from any activities the person has a feeling of joy, of the victory that is obtained, though getting even small results
        Math is good in this case because it helps to develop both creative and logical thinking, it teaches to separate the main and secondary, to find different (individual) approaches to the solution of one problem, to experience a sense of victory from each small problem which is solved (and hence the child asserts himself,  develops and he feels it). Math helps to see the world in a completely different way, to notice its laws, to learn to wonder and to describe natural phenomena through the categories unknown before. While studying Mathematics it is important to have imagination – and that's what so strong in a child.
        Since Mathematics did not appear from anywhere, it comes from the necessity. It is a universal language. We will learn to see this language in everything around us and use it. It brings a sense of belonging to the world, understanding that you are a part of the Universe.
        We are surrounded by various geometric shapes, which everybody feels from the childhood, and numbers are familiar to children from the early age. The child learns "mathematical terminology" naturally. For example, such terms as rhythm and perspective, he learns through dance and drawing, proportion and fractions - through handicrafts and cooking. The task is to create the right atmosphere. And, OF COURSE, near the child, there should be a person who carries that knowledge inside and has the Sense of Life. After all, it is important to give to a child not knowledge by itself, 
But the CONNECTION to the natural knowing
We work with a generic energy of a child!
We use our Math Tutorial during the seminar
Enjoy photos from our Gallery. Seminars from Germany and Belgium
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