The voice is a manifestation of the human soul, mastering, managing of voice is related to the expression of individual creativity, self-expression that is so important in this Age of Aquarius.
        That is why we offer you the seminar-immersion aimed at studying how to cope with your voice and master it. 
        On the immersion we will discuss and learn:
Revive your obedient and flexible voice with a beautiful timbre.
• Learn how to lead yourself to a harmonious state with the help of the voice.
• Learn the ancient Russian method of healing by voice called “Proguzhivanie”.(it is a word of Russian ancient language, there is no translation into other languages)
• To save the power and expressiveness of the voice throughout the day.
• Learn to use the voice for self-improvement.
• Talk about advantages that the silence gives us, and to what extent it is useful.
• Learn how to read poems correctly and beautifully
so that they’ll make the right impact. 
Discuss why it is so important to learn poems for an educated person. 
Study how to learn poems.
• You’ll learn the skills and exercises for the self-development of your voice.
• Study craft of acting with the help of speech and singing.
• Review the structure of the vocal apparatus
How to create images by mastering, managing the voice.
Learn to sing with pleasure, even if it was an unattainable dream for you before.
• By the end of the workshop there will be a concert where each participant will read a favorite verse and sing a song with his new, revived, awaken voice.
Signal/WhatsApp: +41762051705