My name is
Anna Pavlova.

I am a teacher, psychologist, 

educator, mentor…


I was born near the Ural Mountains, in a small town, surrounded by 5 lakes. 

It is a very picturesque place.
I have several high educations:
•    Diploma of the Ural State Economic University – Management and International economic relations specialist
•    Diploma of the Translator from English language

•    Diploma of Pedagogical University – Teacher and educator


I also finished colleges by professions:  master of finishing works and cook & pastry chef.


During 9 years (immediately after graduation from the Economic University) I was engaged in development of the Conception of “School of the Future” within the program "Man of third millennium" in Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution «Liceum - boarding school of the children and teenagers person complex formation» of the Russian Academy of Education.
I participated in experimental search on the basis of development of professional qualities and creative abilities of children through a holistic, broad education. 


I was:
a teacher, 
an educator, a mentor
a psychologist, 
a developer of the systems on different subjects, new methods and approaches to educational process, 
a cook, 
an administrator, 
the head of international department, 
a translator,  
a leader of different groups of children, 
a member of the song and dance ensemble “Bells of Russia”, 
I executed various domestic/ economic tasks and construction-works.


I have considerable experience in:
•    the organization of educational process (including educational process in uneven-aged groups) 
•    using the method of immersion in a subject with the use of integral, systematical approach, 
•    developing system courses, methodology and techniques
•    the issues  of school organization, money and methodology issues


Now I am busy with:
•    individual psychological-pedagogical practice
•    creation of system courses of the secondary school subjects
•    conducting seminars on development of the conception of "schools of new generation", natural educating, new type of relations
•    making webinars about Natural laws of relations in the new time after transition 2012-2015
•    development of the home schooling (on principles of educating in nobiliary families of pre-revolution Russia, where the level of education was very high)
•    realization of the project on creation of space for a residence and extraordinary educating of children and adults. Where natural environment will be created for educating  people with the school subjects, necessary practical abilities and skills, art, handicraft, agricultural activity ( work with soil, plants), to have an ability to produce the real product, manage the production process, sell the created commodity. Scientifically-pedagogical and productive associations will be put into practice in this space, giving an opportunity to the child to be plugged in society naturally, in the process of life.




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