The content of this webinar has an approximate character and can be changed during the webinar in accordance with the request of the group and asked questions.
The birth of a child is very serious and responsible step in the life of a woman and the responsibility for the birth of a child lies on her. And, it turns out, that not every family needs to give birth to a child, as a human being. Some families are created for other tasks. But if a conscious decision is made, preparing for the birth of a child should begin a few months before conceiving. First, it is important to understand that every new-born child is a personality who has his own way, life goals and tasks, so when the birth of a child is sanctioned, the Universe provides parents with everything which is necessary for the development of a child. And parents must give to a baby everything HE needs (very often it may not correspond to conventional ideas of the parents).
On the webinar we will discuss:
• The conceiving of children. When you can give a birth. If the abortion so awful (from a spiritual point of view) and the danger of "unexpected" conceiving.
• How to prepare for conceiving. How parents’ food restrictions may affect the psyche of the child during the preparation for the conceiving.
• What rules must be obeyed after the birth for the preservation of mental and physical health of the child
• What is mostly important for a child in relations with parents. And what a child gives to parents.
• Natural rules in each seven-year cycle of child’s development
• Rules of communication with a child (if the regime is important... if entertainment is important... if presents for the holidays are so necessary. To what extent to meet the needs of the child)
• When you can say "Yes" and when "No"
• Do I need to place the responsibility on children, when and to what extent. Can the child participate in household activities.
• Whether to allow a child to visit many hobby or sport clubs and often change direction or it's bad
• A child's early development. What are the dangers of conventional children's early development. And why it is beneficial for parents.
• Assistance in bringing up a child: grandmother or babysitter? The importance of a unified ideology.
• Structures of destruction in the family. How the invasion and the destruction of the family can happen
• Is it possible (helpful) to punish a child
• Who is usually a child in family conflict situations. What is the impact of parental divorce on the child's mind. How to build partner relationship is the most safe way, not to hurt the child.
Price: € 150. Time: 3 hours. Language: English
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